Sunfish Racing Class Netherlands

Sunfishklasse Nederland

Eight bells: Rudy Thompson

Eight bells: Rudy Thompson

“The very first World Championship Sunfish Regatta is the brainchild of RUDY THOMPSON” ( After being shipwrecked in Puerto Rico in the early 50’s he made his way to St. Thomas and operated one of the area’s first charter boats out of Yacht Haven. Rudy sailed Flying Dutchman at the 1968 Olympic Games. Garry Hoyt, Jorg Bruder and Per Dohm all sailed in the Finn class at that Olympics… did the Sunfish Worlds idea started there? Rudy was heavily involved in getting the US Virgin Islands Olympic status.In January 1970 the “Virgin Daily News” did a very good job in informing the Islands on the progress of the event. Rudy must have had a hot-line with the sports news desk! Rudy was a Past Commodore of St. Thomas Yacht Club. He participated in racing events from Trinidad to Puerto Rico for over 50 years. The passing of Rudy Thompson on Saturday, April 24, 2010 saddened the Caribbean sailing world